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Integrative medicine. Perhaps you’ve heard the term as it relates to people but aren’t really sure what it means. Integrative medicine for humans consists of preventive and healing modalities that complement traditional medical practices, focusing on wellness and the whole person to create a better quality of life. Did you know that there are integrative medicine veterinary practices, too? Magnolia Springs Veterinary Center provides several holistic practices to keep your pet healthy, energetic, and happy.

Integrative veterinary medicine includes some of the same modalities used for humans. Acupuncture, food therapy, herbal medicine, and veterinary spinal manipulation are four of the healing modalities we provide that can help your furry friend flourish.

Integrative Medicine Healing Modalities

Acupuncture. It’s as effective for our four-legged friends as it is for us. One of the Four Branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), acupuncture works by balancing the Qi, or life force, that flows through all beings. Balancing the two aspects of Qi, Yin and Yang creates wholeness and wellness. Acupuncture can be used to treat many conditions that might affect your pet, including arthritis, back pain, spinal/disc disease, and gastrointestinal distress. It can be used to help manage chronic conditions, including endocrine or renal disease, behavioral problems, anxiety, and can even be used for helping a pet who needs end-of-life care.

Acupuncture treatments for your pet will take between 30 and 50 minutes, but the first treatment may take slightly longer. Some results may be immediate, but most therapeutic results will be seen somewhere between three and six treatments for your pet, spaced one-to-two weeks apart.

Food Therapy. We’ve all heard “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Proper nutrition is as important for our pets as it is for us. Food therapy is an important part of care in TCVM and is often used in conjunction with other Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine practices. Understanding the energy of food, as well as its impact on your pet’s overall well-being, plays a significant role in maintaining their vitality.

Herbal Medicine. As another of the Four Branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal treatments are often used in conjunction with acupuncture (or any of the TCVM modalities) to enhance the effectiveness of the other treatments. Herbal medicine, in combination with other holistic veterinary healing modalities, can create greater long-term positive effects and extend the period of time between treatments for your pet.

Veterinary Spinal Manipulation (VSMT). VSMT is similar to chiropractic care for humans. Like chiropractic care, it must be performed by a doctor who has advanced training. VSMT involves much more than the spine, encompassing the entire skeletal system, joints, and associated nervous and muscular systems. When these systems don’t move properly, it can lead to chronic pain and inflammation for your pet, adversely affecting their health and quality of life. VSMT may also reveal underlying health concerns that present as skeletal pain. Your pet’s first visit for VSMT may take an hour and include a discussion of other treatments including Class IV Laser Therapy, TCVM, and diet and exercise. Follow-up VSMT appointments usually take 15-30 minutes and almost always appear enjoyable to patients.

While integrative veterinary care may be new to you, TCVM practices can be traced back 2500 years. These tried-and-true healing modalities help create an excellent quality of life and a hale and hearty four-legged friend. As a pet parent, what’s better than seeing your furry family member bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and as healthy as possible?


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