(262) 770-3106 [email protected]

Being a pet parent is a big responsibility and it’s normal to have questions! Here are some of the top questions we get from pet owners.

1. What should I feed my pet?

The type of food that’s best for your pet depends on their age, breed, activity level, and health. At Magnolia Springs Veterinary Center, we’ll suggest a diet tailored to your pet’s individual needs. To make it especially convenient for pet owners, we offer many options in our online store and VetDirect, so you can easily select and ship the food items your pet needs – right to your door!

2. How often should I take my pet to the vet? 

We recommend annual check-ups for healthy pets. Once a pet is a senior, we recommend two visits per year. These crucial visits help us establish a baseline of your pet’s health, and they allow us to detect potential issues early.

3. What vaccines does my pet need and when?

We provide both core and lifestyle vaccines at Magnolia Springs Veterinary Center. But we also go a step further. We offer vaccine titers, which measure your pet’s vaccine antibody levels to various diseases. This allows us to tailor the vaccination schedule specific to each pet’s needs.

4. How can I tell if my pet is sick or in pain? 

Pets can’t tell us when they’re feeling ill or in pain, so pet owners need to be especially diligent to identify the signs of illness and injury. Symptoms that may indicate an issue include changes in activity level, appetite, behavior, vomiting, excessive licking of a particular area on their body, limping, and even biting when touching an area of their body.

5. Should I spay or neuter my pet?  

Spaying and neutering is an important part of responsible pet ownership. It helps reduce the number of unwanted pets in our community, and can also provide health benefits to your pet, such as the prevention of certain cancers, and diminishing the risk of roaming or aggression.

6. What kind of flea/tick prevention should I use for my pet?

There are certainly plenty of commercials and social media ads targeting pet owners.  It can be overwhelming trying to decide which product is right for your pet. At Magnolia Springs Veterinary Center, we carry several products that are proven effective in protecting your pet from parasites. We’ll help you select the one that fits best with your pet’s lifestyle and needs.

7. How can I prevent dental problems in my pet?  

Proper dental care is essential to your pet’s health. We recommend brushing your pet’s teeth at least once a week and scheduling regular professional cleanings with us. In addition, we carry dental treats and pet-specific toothpaste that can help reduce plaque build-up on your pet’s teeth in-between visits.

8. What should I do if my pet eats something they shouldn’t have?

If you notice your pet has ingested something potentially toxic, contact us right away. Treatment varies depending on the type of substance consumed. Prompt action is key to minimizing potential health risks.

9. Why is socialization so important for my new puppy/kitten? 

Socialization is essential for pets of all ages, but it’s especially important for puppies and kittens. It helps increase the chances that your pet will be comfortable with other animals and people. Early socialization helps enhance the bond you share, too!

10. When is it time to say goodbye to a beloved pet?

This is the most difficult question any pet owner will ever face. We can help provide clarity and understanding that will make this painful process more bearable. Ultimately, when the quality of life is no longer there for your pet, it may be time to say farewell. As we assist through the end-of-life process, we will make the transition as peaceful and comfortable as possible.

We hope you’ve found this list helpful, but should you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at Magnolia Springs Veterinary Center: (262) 770-3106. We are proud to be part of your pet’s journey to excellent health and wellness.


Image credit: Pexels